Sunday, August 31, 2014

Peach-Jalapeño Jam

 Peach-Jalapeño Jam
We went peach picking recently and what better way to make the experience last than to make something you can use for LOTS of things!! (I'm calling it jam, but it doubles as a salsa too!)

3 peaches diced
1 jalapeño diced (take out the seeds if you want your kiddos to enjoy without the heat)
1/4 red onion diced
Mash up the peaches a little bit then mix all ingredients together and you've got something simple and delicious!

Pile on top of rustic bread with a fried egg for a simple lunch or dinner OR put on top of a rice and been bowl with some chopped cilantro! YUM!

IMPORTANT NOTE: I am not an expert. Not in nutrition or kids or motherhood or...anything. I just have a passion for nutrition and food and have done a lot of reading.  My kid is only 1 so it's more of a trial and error...learn as we go kinda thing. I just know that I want my family to be happy and healthy and feel their very best, and I believe proper nutrition plays a huge part in that! The recipes and tips are just what has worked for us and I want to share them with you! Believe me, there are plenty of recipes/meals that have not gone's a pic of the banana&applesauce cake that I slaved over for Owen's first birthday that he hated! :( no sugar, no butter...Owen said, "NO WAY!" Haha. Oh well...should have tested a couple recipes first...
I make all of the meals for our family from whole foods in their natural state (as you would see them growing in nature). I feel good about what we eat and I have some great recipes that you may want to try! We eat LOTS of vegetables and I hope this blog makes it easier for other families to incorporate more veggies into their family's diet too!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Green Juice

Blending up your greens breaks down the cells of plants for optimal nutrient absorption and digestibility. We all know by now that greens (kale, spinach, chard, bok choy, arugula, collards, beet greens...etc) pack a HUGE nutritional punch. What better way to start your day? 

Recipe: blend up a heaping handful of your daily choice of greens with about 8 oz of coconut water with a couple slices of frozen banana. Share it with your kiddo or make them their own glass!!

Baby tip: The purpose of daily green juice for babies is not just for additional nutrients, but to help them develop a taste for greens! The first green juice Owen ever had was around 8 months old and I added a whole banana. He started with a few sips each day, now he loves it and drinks 2-4oz with breakfast. Sometimes I'll add other fruits to it, but sometimes it's simply greens and coconut water! he loves it!
*For older kiddos, try adding a good amount of fruits that they love at first, then slowly over a week or two minimize the addition of fruit so the taste of greens gets stronger. Pretty soon they'll love the taste of peppery arugula! :)

Try to always keep a good quantity of greens on hand and easily accessible in the fridge! That way you'll be more inclined to add them to every meal! I have found that keeping them washed, salad-spinner-dried, and then layered in thick layers between paper towels in an air-tight container like these (Sistema) will keep them crisp for up to two weeks!!